Parrots make great pets because they are smart, playful, and engaging. Parrots are "flock" animals that adopt your family as their own "flock." Your Green Cheek will claim membership in your family - which is amazing!
The Green Cheek's smaller size makes them easier to keep. Their beauty and outgoing personality have enamored people around the world. In America they are now our most popular small parrot!
About Our Green Cheeks
All babies are lovingly raised at home. And we own most of the parents producing these beautiful chicks. Handfeeding starts at 3 weeks old, taking over for the parents, and continues until the babies wean onto spray millet and both fresh and nutritious prepared foods.
What about a guarantee? Yes! And this is so important. We guarantee their personality! How? Our Green Cheeks have a free exchange for 90 days if our bird is not a perfect fit for your family. In writing!
Of course, every baby bird is different-and no one can guess exactly how they will turn out, but we happily exchange if your baby's personality is not perfect for your family.
Toys are so important! Birds need to work, and working on toys is just what they love! They can become bored and may even chew their feathers without toys to work on.
Green Cheeks should have two different types of toys. Toys that they can "preen" like rope toys, and toys they can "chew" like wood toys. They love bright colors. And don't forget a bird swing! Green Cheeks love some type of swing to sit on and hang from.
Problem toys can be tube/tent/tunnel toys. Some birds view these as a "nest to protect" and might become aggressive or cage protective with them. Mirrors can provoke similar behavior. Remove these if this starts.
All toys should be examined for loose threats that can tangle feet. Trim these or discard if they look dangerous.
"Toy Rotation" is a good way to keep your bird happy without breaking the budget. Don't throw away used toys if they are in good condition. Clean them, put them away and bring them back later to keep it fun.
Recommended Cage Sizes
Minimum size is 18 to 20 inches square. A young bird under 8 months old will do best in this size, whereas an adult or pair will enjoy a larger cage. The cage does not need to be tall and cages with stands are nice. The cage must not be on the floor. Birds love to have a play area such as a tee stand or tabletop unit outside of the cage. This gives the bird a safe area to flap its wings and play with its toys. These can be made of a variety of materials and should have some perches for the bird to move about and exercise.
The Most Popular Parrot
Among the worldwide host of different parrot species, the most popular pets are the conures! There are dozens of types of conures in the wild, all native to South and Central America. Within this large family the Green Cheek is the most popular pet. There are many colors with names like Pineapple, Turquoise, Suncheek and Cinnamon. But they are all the same bird, and all make equally fun pets.
Green Cheeks love to play with their human family, hang out with you and even snack on healthy foods that you eat. They easily learn tricks like "play dead," "roll over," "wave," and even retrieve items that are thrown.
Size of the Bird
Green Cheeks are not large birds, about the same size as a cockatiel. Along with their smaller size comes a quieter "smaller" voice that will not typically disturb your neighbors.
Best Gender? M or F?
There is not a substantial personality difference between male or female personality. Both are good pets, and both can learn to talk.
But if you would like to have more than one green cheek living in the same cage, choose two birds that are the same gender. If you have a Male and Female together there will be nesting / breeding behavior. An adult pair may become aggressive and protective of the cage during the nesting season.
Their amazing personality is similar to their larger cousins the Macaws. Green Cheeks have a huge, playful, "need to be part of everything" personality. Plus, they have no fear, so sometimes they can get a little bossy. They may not be best for young children-who would probably be better off with an easy-going cockatiel.